Dissemination & News


C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos, Pre-Training Music Classification Models via Music Source
Separation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.15845., https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.15845. 

C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos, “Multi-Source Contrastive Learning from Musical Audio”, in Proc. Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC-2023), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2023. [poster]

D. Charitou, C. Garoufis, A. Zlatintsi and P. Maragos, “Exploring Polyphonic Accompaniment Generation using Generative Adversial Networks”, in Proc. Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC-2023), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2023. [poster]

P. Papantonakis, C. Garoufis and P. Maragos, Multi-band Masking for Waveform-based Singing Voice Separation, in Proc. 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2022), Belgrade, Serbia, Aug. 2022. [poster]



Researcher’s Night 29/09/2023

The I-MRePlay members participated in Researcher’s Night that took place in National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) presenting the project and its current result, showing also a demo on source-wise playlist creation.

Athens Science Festival 12/10/2023

The I-MRePlay members participated in Athens Science Festival that took place in Technopolis presenting the project and its current result, showing also a demo on source-wise playlist creation.